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Worship Overview
9:00 AM Worship Service
10:15 AM Moments Hospitality
10:30 Sunday School Programs

9:00 AM Worship Service

Our worship service is a more traditional service held in our sanctuary. We sing hymns and join together in sharing joys and concerns, the Lord's prayer, and the Apostles' Creed. There is a children's message toward the beginning of the service. Children will be dismissed to Children's Church after this. Pastor Bryant will give a sermon from Scripture, so we would encourage you to bring your Bible. He will provide in your bulletin a fill-in-the-blank outline for you to follow his message and take notes. Livestream is available via the church Facebook and YouTube pages. 

When we do take communion, we do so by passing the elements through the pews. All those who profess their faith in Jesus Christ are welcome to take communion with us. 


Nursery Care During Worship is available for children birth to 3 years is available in the Sapphire Room of the children's wing after the "Children's Message" portion of the worship service.  No teaching is involved, only babysitting services (playing, snack time, etc.).


Children's Church for ages 4-8 years is available in the Ruby Room of the children's wing after the "Children's Message" portion of the worship service.  A typical session includes a story, lesson craft or snack & prayer time.

*All staff and volunteers have their clearances and are SafeSanctuary trained.*




Each week between services, we enjoy an informal time of fellowship with a light snack, coffee, and juice along with a chance to catch up with friends before Sunday school begins.  Keurig machines are also available in Strayer Hall (directly behind the sanctuary) to enjoy a cup of coffee, tea or hot chocolate. 





There is a program for all ages. Nursery care is available. There is a class for children as well as youth. We offer three adult classes: a young adult class, a lecture class, and a video series class. At different points in the year, Sunday school classes will be directly relating to the ongoing sermon series from Pastor Bryant. At other times, all the classes will be together. Please visit the "Sunday School" tab under "Ministries" for more information.​

10:15 AM Moments Hospitality

10:30 AM Sunday School Programs

See You In Worship- And Bring A Friend! 
Bethlehem Stonepile Church
A Global Methodist Church



250 Bethlehem Church Road

Red Lion, PA 17356

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